Choose one of the following: Enclosing Folder: Choose this option to open the parent folder for the current window. The files will begin to copy, and depending on the size of your library, this might take some time. SCP on Linux and Mac OS X hosts In a terminal, copy the files over network using the scp command: scp -r roms/* :roms/ scp -r bios/* :system/ SCP on Windows hosts Download the freeFileZilla The command line-that hidden world of code behind your Mac’s pretty face-sometimes offers a quicker way to do everyday tasks, plus it’s just a cool way to establish your tech cred. If you know the exact name and location of a folder, you can also open it by entering the pathname. In the Finder on your Mac, click the Go menu in the menu bar. Copy the files you want to access in AndroVM (GenyMotion) into this new folder.